台灣知名伴手禮品牌。客戶訴求精緻高級感和延續糖村品牌調性的「花」為主題。在概念上,設計師使用巧克力淋醬的手法,勾勒出尊貴精緻的「牡丹花」,結合「打凸」和「燙金」的印刷加工,讓牡丹和金色「花蕊」更精緻,也彰顯巧克力在手工淋醬過程中 勾勒的層次感。品嚐巧克力時,產品和消費者產生「味覺」、「視覺」和「觸覺」的情感連結,也表達出不需透過言語,便能讓消費者了解產品的屬性。
SUGAR &SPICE, the most popular brand of nougat candy in Taiwan, the client demands on the high quality and continues to be true to the motif of the brand image “flower.” The concept of the designer is illustrate the noble “peonies” with the visual approach of chocolate ganache in combination with the printing techniques of “emboss” and “bronzing” to present more refined “peonies” and the golden “pistil” to further highlight the sense of multi-level during the process of handmade chocolate ganache. When taste the delicious SUGAR &SPICE chocolates, the product reminds the customers of the strong emotional links with “sense of taste,” “vision,” and “sense of touch.” Our customers can understand the product attributes without any oral expression.